In what has become an annual tradition here at Jason Yoder Art, we will be once again donating an original painting to benefit the charitable organization, the ziMS Foundation, and their fight against Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The ziMS Foundation was created by Washington Nationals star, Ryan Zimmerman, with a goal of "Bringing Home a Cure for MS", as his mother, Cheryl has MS. His parents, Keith & Cheryl both serve on the Board of Directors, and have been nothing short of amazing with both my wife and I, and treat us like family when we are able to attend their events. Their battle is our battle, as my wife's father battled MS for decades. So, obviously, the cause is something very near and dear to our hearts. Here is a photo of the very early progress thus far: And, while the donation of my artwork to the ziMS Foundation won't be anything new this year...the format will be. With the popularity of some of my 3D artwork thus far, I offered it as an option for this year's event, and the Zimmerman's were very excited about this new variation.
As you can see in the photo above, the 3D part hasn't really started yet. First, I must finish the background, so I can attach the main image (foreground, if you will). Both pieces are wood, the background piece is 1/2" plywood, while the cut out image of Ryan is on 1/8" pine board. I begin the process by cutting out the plywood background, and then tracing an outline of the image (Ryan in this instance) onto the thinner board. I then cut out the image using a jigsaw, and use some wood carving tools to refine any edges, etc. I also use my Dremel multi-tool to sand down some of the edges. And, after I hand sand both pieces, I make sure to remove all the sawdust and particles, and I apply multiple coats of gesso with a foam roller. Depending on the surface I desire for the painting (smooth vs. texture), I may sand the gesso. In this instance, I did sand the layers for a smooth finish. And, from there, the painting process begins...background first, then the foreground/main image. Well, I think this will conclude our latest blog post. I will certainly do my best to keep everyone updated on the progress of this year's ziMS Foundation piece! And, all else fails, follow me on all the social'll get all my latest work on there. , , . Until next time peoples. -Jason, out.
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I know what you're thinking...Holy Shit, 2 blog posts in 2 days?! Is Jason is insane? Well, rest assured, I am quite surely batshit crazy, but luckily I am far less batshit crazy than the POTUS, so there's that. Bonus.
I actually just wanted to take a second to share the link to my page where I have discounted the poo out of some original artwork. So, without further ado, here is that: Sale Page Originally, I had titled it a "Moving Sale", and while that is technically still true, it is also sort of a "Time to Clear Some Extra Room in the Studio Sale". And, truthfully, I am willing to negotiate as well if you would like to make an offer on a particular piece; however, I feel very strongly that I have made everything very reasonably priced. With that said, please do check it out! I have posted a variety of pieces on there from a wide range of sports and subjects. Alex Morgan, Mike Trout, and Oscar Robertson just to name a few. Thanks for dropping by the bloggage, and hopefully you will check out the Sale Page and buy some stuff! I don't have to pack it up and take it with us, but rather ship it to you for your enjoyment! Take care out there people. And, please, stop being such a dick to each other. - Jason First, once again want to apologize for the delay in posting anything in here. Just A LOT going on in my life right now, and honestly haven't had much in the way of time to devote to all the art-ing & designing I'd like to be doing...which can be frustrating. I'll do my best to provide some updates on things I may have mentioned previously and haven't followed up on yet. I was asked to create a custom graphic for Adam Greenberg, for his return to Wrigley Field where he was throwing out the ceremonial 1st pitch. Unfortunately, the graphic appeared during BP and not during his 1st pitch, so as far as I know, no photos were taken of it. So...I decided to create something in Photoshop to demonstrate what it could have looked like if it was a Perfect World. We also had a booth at a local brewery for a vendor showcase...which was fun to drink beer and meet a lot of new people. But, unfortunately, it didn't result in a whole lot of sales, so that is always a disappointment. As an artist, it can be difficult to disassociate sales from rejection. In my head, I know the lack of sales isn't a rejection of my work. But, creating something is such a personal experience, and putting it on display/exhibit can be stressful for me...especially considering my introverted personality. But, enough about my artistic insecurities. Here are a few graphics I've created recently, just for fun with Adobe Illustrator. I am particularly happy with the "Drink Beer" graphic. I feel like I captured the simplicity of the statement with the simplicity of the image. Being a huge stickler for details, sometimes going more minimalist for designs and artwork can be a struggle if I am creating something from scratch.
Well, hey, it's getting late, and I know our doggie is going to wake my ass up at 6am tomorrow morning (it's 12:47am EST right now), so I should wrap this up. With that in mind, guten nacht world. Keep it classy, Planet Earth. - Jason
So, listen, I don't really have much to share with you visually. Okay, I do have this...
If you can't tell...first off, shame on you if you haven't seen "Wonder Woman" yet. Second, it's "Wonder Woman". And, in case you still are not sure what you are looking at, this is a digital piece I started recently...of Wonder Woman. So, enjoy this.
I really do have some exciting things to share very soon, and hopefully some exciting news as well, but not just yet. Hence the "Teaser" title for this blog post. So, I apologize if this post had you "six-to-midnight", but let's be honest, if you're that easily aroused, you might have issues. Actually, you DEFINITELY have issues. But I do appreciate the flattery. Hopefully you can blame the aforementioned Wonder Woman if you need an excuse for your "condition". So, anyways, went on a bit of a tangent there. This Mr. Fast Tangent moment was brought to you by "Crystal Gravy" from the makers of Crystal Pepsi...good Lord please Google that old SNL spoof ad, and just sit back and drink in that imagery. Actually, screw it, you're probably too lazy to do that, so here you go: I tried to embed the video below. If it did not work, here is the link to drink in some clear gravy: Tangent #2. Damn I'm on a roll tonight. You are welcome. Well, this concludes my latest blog post, I do appreciate your undivided attention, though I would be surprised if you actually made it this far. If you did, gold star for you. If you didn't then this sentence is completely meaningless...or is it?! Signing off...Jason. Over and out. We are very excited to announce that Jason Yoder Art will have a booth at the upcoming event at Madtree (2.0) Brewing (3301 Madison Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45209), presented by The O.F.F. Market. As you can see from the photo above (we circled it for you), we will be participating in the event on Saturday, July 29th. As it stands right now, I believe the show will run from 10am-4pm, but could be mistaken. We will get more details as the event gets closer, and will be sure to share those with you via the various options available (social media, email, etc.)
So, make plans now to attend and have a beer...or five with us! We hope to see everyone there and look forward to having a very fun show. I'll be honest, I didn't spring for the extra bells and whistles on Weebly that would include a much more intensive e-commerce set up, and decided to utilize a place like Storenvy to display my many products...with limited success so far. So, I have made the decision to go ahead and build an in-house "Store" here on my website, which will link directly to PayPal. Hopefully it will streamline the purchase process a bit, but will certainly take some extra time and effort on my part to build all the individual pages, etc. My goal is that once complete, I will be able to create a more organized inventory and sales process for myself...and hopefully will be able to get a more regular e-newsletter going with regular sales, specials, etc. for my subscribers. I am hoping to have all of this completed and ready by early April, but we will see how things go shuffling between this and my current projects I have going. And, speaking of which...wanted to share some new things with you. New stuff for sale, and new art.If you don't already know (what the hell rock have you been hiding under?), I am a huge Cubs fan. So, given the amazing event that transpired last fall, I had always promised myself that I would celebrate it and commemorate it in every way imaginable from a fan and artist, I decided to go ahead and re-watch Game 7 of the World Series and keep an official scorebook while doing so. I originally merely wanted to do it just for historical posterity and my personal enjoyment, but realized that other fans may enjoy it as a momento, collectible, etc., so I wanted to offer it up as a limited edition print. With that said, I will be including this item as both a print and an original in the coming weeks as I re-launch the Jason Yoder Art Store. Keep your eyes peeled for it! I have also been looking to delve more into football and basketball artwork, so I have started a number of digital pieces with hopes of being able to finish them in-between custom projects. Below, you will find a few of them that I have been working on. Are these sports you would like to see more of?...then please do let me know, I'm always looking for feedback on my work! So, that is all people. Be sure to check back for more updates soon! I'll try to keep everyone updated with anything new. And, as always its best to follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for all the very latest!
-Jason ![]() In case you missed my recent post on social media...(first, what the hell?), we will be offering something new this holiday season. Mystery boxes. It's kind of like subscribing to the Jason Yoder Art Print of the Month Club if it actually existed (hmm, perhaps another day). Anyways. We will be offering 3 different price levels, starting at just $20! There might even be something unique I put together for the special Cub fan in your life. So, as a reminder, if you're reading this, and you are not currently a subscriber to my Newsletter, go to my website and either click the "Sign Up" in the top-right corner, or just wait for the subscription pop-up. Either way, I will be sending an exclusive link via the Newsletter in the next week or so. Each mystery box will contain a variety of prints in different sizes and subjects/sports...some even contain original artwork and autographed originals!! And, if you're wondering why I haven't created a special Chicago Cubs World Series piece of artwork's merely because I am entirely too busy finishing up all the commissions I have for the holidays right now. Stay tuned though, I promise there will be something, perhaps even multiple items being created after the holidays (time permitting).
With that said, I should burn some of that late night oil that I tend to burn a lot of lately, and get creating! Thanks for reading this far, I know it's a lot of words. haha - Jason I apologize first off, for the delay in making a new blog post. I promise I have been busy...however, unfortunately, because a decent amount of my work is gift-based or at least surprise-based in some manner, I cannot yet post any pictures of such artwork. However, I can at least offer this little fun piece of information...amongst the top internet searches that led to my website in the month of October was "Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball", or at least similar variations of that. So, thanks for that. Haha I would obviously attribute that to a couple of things...1. the Tribe was in the World Series, and 2. my Jobu's Rum artwork. But, anyways, back to my busy excuse. It just typically works out that mid-October to early December is by far my busiest time of the year in terms of commissioned work, and also just so happened to coincide with the Cubs playing in a whole lot of playoff games, that I was glued to the television, like sleep, my studio time was a bit limited as I continue my full-time "day job" status.
If you haven't figured out yet via my social media, my tendency to paint/draw Cubs-related artwork, etc., I am a life-long Cubs fan. So, the understatement of the decade (perhaps even longer) would be that I was slightly happy about the recent World Series outcome. I have a great deal of family and friends that are die-hard Indians fans, so I won't blabber on about the Cubbies out of respect for them. Just know that on the inside, I am a 13 year old girl with a crush right now. And, you can expect a Cubs/World Series tribute painting to be completed sometime after the holidays. So, stay tuned for that...might even be multiple pieces!! I merely wanted to drop a quick post on everyone so you know I have survived the World Series, a whole lot of goat meat, some well-deserved Old Style's, and being a partial zombie for a few days afterwards. As soon as I can, I will share all the delightful artwork I have been able to create in the recent weeks and months. I certainly appreciate all the work and support you all give me, and I hope to create more and more in the coming years as I continue my journey towards a full-time art life. - Jason P.S. - Go Cubs! Since beginning the Mike Trout 3D piece, I have had a great deal of interest from people inquiring about creating more custom 3D pieces...and I'm very touched with how well it's been received so far. With that said, I finally had a chance to sit down and calculate some of the additional costs, materials, labor, etc. from my end, in order to provide a pricing table for anyone interested in having me create a custom 3D painting of their very own. Click Here for the Pricing Page, listing both 2D (top of page) and 3D (bottom of page) custom artowork. If you haven't seen the 3D artwork I am discussing, here are the 2 projects I currently have under way: It's been a blast experimenting with this new process/artwork, and I hope to be able to create a lot of these very soon for those of you who contacted me already for pricing! If I already quoted you a price, I will honor that price. Thanks for checking out my blog, as's very appreciated as I continue my journey as an aspiring full-time artist!
- Jason |
Jason YoderNot rocket science, just a bit of an inside look at my artwork...with some photos and possibly some humor mixed in for your enjoyment. Archives
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